The Information Systems and Computer Applications examination covers material that is usually taught in an introductory college-level business information systems course.


Ya van ha ir a buscarla en cualquier momento:)

Rover Spirit encontró evidencia de agua líquida en Marte

El explorador marciano Spirit lleva más de un año atascado en una trampa de arena, y aunque sus esfuerzos por escapar de ahí moviendo sus brazos y haciendo girar sus ruedas han sido futiles, también le permitieron al robot hacer un descubrimiento.

Mientras pateaba arena para todas partes, Spirit reveló capas más profundas del suelo marciano, y el análisis de las diferencias entre la superficie y lo que hay abajo mostró evidencia de la existencia de agua.

Esto no significa que Spirit está nadando en una poza, sino que los rastros de sulfatos férricos en el suelo rojo se ven como si hubiesen sido causados por una corriente líquida, y es más: parece haber sido marcado hace poco, tal vez en un fenómeno que ocurre durante temporadas específicas en Marte.


El mosaico de imágenes (arriba) muestra el suelo frente a Spirit, después de que éste manejara hacia adelante y hacia atrás tratando de salir de su trampa. El brillo y el color del suelo desenterrado indican que el material es rico en sulfatos. La huella marcada sobre el material sugiere que se ha movido agua sobre el suelo, disolviendo y arrastrando sulfatos férricos.

Si Spirit sobrevive el invierno, periodo en el que el rover será puesto en modo de hibernación, podrá seguir investigando esto cuando se despierte.

Link: NASA trapped Mars rover finds evidence of subsurface water (NASA vía PopSci)

Miami Bicycle Action Committee

Want a job where you are accountable to no one? Apply at FDOT.

from Transit Miami by Felipe Azenha

I’m not sure if they are hiring, but…

As many of our readers know, Brickell Avenue is due for some major work. FDOT will begin a drainage and resurfacing project in early 2011. This long overdue project is finally coming to fruition, however, the only improvements FDOT is considering for this project is the resurfacing and drainage upgrade. This would be a perfect opportunity for FDOT to consider reducing the high speed limit, adding crosswalks and including bicycle sharrows. Unfortunately, FDOT does not believe any of these upgrades are necessary.

We here at Transit Miami caught wind of this upcoming project and have been busy building a coalition of residents, businesses, and other organizations to reduce the speed limit on Brickell  Avenue.  A few weeks ago we met with Commissioner Sarnoff and Mayor Regalado. We are happy to report that both the Mayor and the Commissioner support a reduced speed limit. Unfortunately, they both informed us that there is not much they can do since Brickell Avenue is a state road; therefore the city of Miami has no jurisdiction over it.

Both Commissioner Sarnoff and Mayor Regalado suggested we speak to Representative Luis Garcia. So we went ahead and did so. Representative Garcia told us that he would do everything in his power to generate a response from FDOT. (Mr. Gus Pego, FDOT District 6 secretary, received our letter almost a month and a half ago but has not responded). Representative Garcia also suggested that we meet with Mayor Regalado and Commissioner Sarnoff about this issue. We kindly informed Representative Garcia that the reason we were meeting with him was because Mayor Regaldo and Commissioner Sarnoff asked us to do so.

We have reached out to all the stakeholders on Brickell Avenue and all agree with us that speeding is an issue on Brickell. We cannot get FDOT to respond to any of our emails.  Last week, FDOT made this illogical PowerPoint presentation to the Brickell Homeowners Association. They essentially put the blame on the pedestrian for jaywalking. It doesn’t matter that crosswalks are few and far in between. During this presentation they explicitly stated they would not reduce the speed limit, add crosswalks or include sharrows within the scope if this project.

The following organizations support a lower speed limit and a more pedestrian-friendly environment on Brickell Avenue:

Brickell Homeowners Association

Brickell Area Association

South Florida Bike Coalition

Miami DDA

Green Mobility Network